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Whole Wheat Potato Bread
8 c whole wheat flour
1 tbs salt
4 tbs sugar, honey or molasses
4 tbs melted shortening or oil
2 tbs dry yeast, dissolved in 1/2 cup warm water
1 medium potato, boiled until mealy in 2 cups water

Mash or beat the cooked potato in the cooking water until smooth. Add 1 3/4 cups cold water to this mixture, and allow to cool to lukewarm. Add the yeast mixture and shortening. Mix in half the flour, and make sure it's mixed throughly. Cover and allow to double in size. Add the salt and 3 more cups of flour, or enough to allow hand kneading. The mixture will be quite soft. Turn out on a board and knead until it's smooth and stretchy. Let the dough rest on a greased surface for 15 to 20 minutes. Knead again and shape loaves. If you use tin cans, fill them half full. Let rise till doubled, bake at 400 degrees for about 45 minutes. For a quicker process, mix 1/2 cup of dehydrated potato flakes into the first 4 cups of flour and use a total of 3 3/4 cups of water in the recipe.